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Hormone Therapy Delivered

No Insurance Required - No Hidden Fees

How it Works

Brief Survey

Answer a few questions about your symptoms and health history to see if you qualify —100% online

Provider Consultation

A licensed medical provider will recommend and determine if the medication is right for you

Shipped to Your Door

If prescribed, your medication will be shipped directly to your home from an FDA-registered pharmacy

Holistic approach to healthy weight loss

Why Choose Custom Health Centers?

  • Customized, physician-endorsed solutions

  • 100% online Experience. No waiting rooms or pharmacy lines.

  • All prescriptions include free delivery to your front door

  • Vetted, US licensed providers

What Symptoms Does Hormone Optimization Therapy Address?

Fertility Issues

If you're struggling to conceive, many times the root cause can be a hormone imbalance in your body (especially low Progesterone). While we are not a fertility clinic our patients have seen promising results from their hormone treatments around fertility.

Menopause Side Effects

Stop struggling through hot flashes ad mood swings while going through Menopause. Take back your life and comfort with Hormone Optimization Therapy.


The most common side effect from a hormone imbalance in women is extreme fatigue. If your doctor is telling you that its normal to be exhausted and needing 4 cups of coffee to get through lunch, its NOT. Feel the energy your body is capable of again with H.O.T.

What is Hormone Optimization Therapy?

Hormone Optimization Therapy is a revolutionary treatment that uses bio-identical hormones to restore your body's natural balance.

Bio-identical hormones are plant-based, naturally occurring hormones that are an exact match to what your body produces.

Unlike synthetic hormones, your body recognizes bio-identical hormones as its own, minimizing side effects and maximizing benefits.

Is Hormone Optimization Therapy Right For Me?

If you're experiencing symptoms like fatigue, poor quality sleep, hot flashes, night sweats, brain fog, decreased memory, concentration issues, or weight gain, you might be a candidate for Hormone Optimization Therapy.

These symptoms can gradually occur over time, often unnoticed until a significant stressor reveals them. Talk to our team today to see if H.O.T is right for you!

Benefits of Hormone Optimization Therapy

  • Improved sleep quality: Experience restful nights and wake up feeling refreshed.

  • Increased energy: Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to vitality.

  • Enhanced focus: Clear the brain fog and improve your concentration.

  • Prevention of health issues

  • Hormone Optimization Therapy can help ward off heart disease, osteopenia, osteoporosis, dementia, Alzheimer's, and inflammation issues.

  • Boosted immune system: Strengthen your body's natural defenses.

  • Alleviation of aches and pains: Experience less discomfort and more freedom in your movements.

  • Weight loss support: Hormone Optimization Therapy can aid in your weight loss journey.

  • Overall improved quality of life: Feel like yourself again and enjoy your daily activities to the fullest.

How Do I Get Hormone Optimization Therapy?

At Custom Health Centers, we're committed to helping you regain your health and vitality. Our expert team is ready to guide you on your journey to optimal health.

Book your free consultation today and discover how Hormone Optimization Therapy can transform your life.

Don't let hormonal imbalance hold you back.

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you with Hormone Optimization Therapy at Custom Health Centers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Custom Health Centers?

Custom Health Centers is a medical weight loss and hormone optimization company that is conducted via telemedicine.

Do I need insurance?

Insurance is not accepted to access our services and products. The cost of treatments may vary, but Custom Health Centers aims to provide affordable and accessible solutions to customers without the need for insurance coverage.

How Much is My First Visit?

Our first visit is free! No strings attached. If you like what you hear and want to proceed with care, we will let you know the cost of everything up front. For example, the first comprehensive blood test to get a baseline of where your hormones are at and get the process started after the free first visit is $359.

How much does Hormone Optimization Therapy Cost?

Our clients are on monthly packages that cover their medications to balance and optimize their hormones. The monthly packages typically range from $100 to $500.

I have been on hormones before and they didn't help. How is your program different?

We will just say it...many other synthetic hormones or "hormone balancing" supplements on the market can cause more problems than they help. Our experts in medical bioidentical hormone optimization will look at your individual blood test, develop a plan, just for you, and then continue to optimize over time with additional blood tests and visits. In short, we will get you balanced and keep you balanced.

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